About this Grown Gal

I started writing this blog when I was in the depths of menopause misery and I found that it helped to write about my experience. Gradually, as I came through the hell of ‘the change’, the blog became more of a collection of personal posts which I hope resonate with other women of a certain age.

I’m interested in what makes us tick, our creativity, wisdom, and energy. How we can face the obstacles that life throws at us with grace and humour. What I’ve discovered is that I love to write. In addition I’ve had to learn how to blog and create this website as well as how to promote it through social media. These are all life-skills that I’ve been able to use in my professional life so it’s a win, win.

Lino-cut by Avril Broadley ©GrownGals - my midlife journeyIn my day job I’m a graphic designer and art director. My first passion is gardening followed by anything creative – craft, art, writing, foraging and cooking. The image of the four beauties shown here is a lino-cut that I made at art college in the 80s to illustrate a poem called ‘Song of Four Women’ by the wonderful Fran Landesman. I think it proves how much I’ve always valued the friendship of women.

If you want to get in touch please feel free to email me me.

With love, Avril


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