Growing a better life…

Imagine my surprise to find that this neglected website thrives in my absence! It’s audience is growing, quietly, in the background. I haven’t written a post in a long while but much of the content is evergreen and it seems that people find it for themselves. I love that.

There was a time when I needed to write for my sanity. I was in my early fifties and trying to make sense of midlife. Menopause made me angry as hell – which my relationship somehow survived. On the other hand, caring for my ailing parents took a level of compassion I didn’t know I had. Writing this blog became my escape. It was a personal manifesto about growing a better life.

A decade on I now live on the Kent coast with a garden that takes up most of my time. I’ve learned that growing plants and nurturing the soil is what makes me happy.

When I registered the site name it was with midlife women in mind. I didn‘t know then that growing and gardening would become so all-consuming. I also didn’t realise what fabulous creatures we postmenopausal women become. The synchronicity of the title, Grown Gals, is perfect.

I am gradually updating the posts… and showing my site the love it deserves. Thank you for reading.

Avril x

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